Submitting to NMDC


The NMDC has developed two products for improving metadata capture: the NMDC Submission Portal (released April, 2022) and the NMDC Field Notes app (currently in beta testing). Each product was designed to lower barriers to capturing metadata and adhering to community standards, thereby addressing the critical gap of collecting necessary metadata describing a study and its biosamples.

NMDC Submission Portal

The NMDC Submission Portal was designed using a flexible framework leveraging a new modeling approach called the Linked Data Modeling Language (LinkML) and the template-driven spreadsheet tool, DataHarmonizer. It supports several different community standards, such as the Minimal Information about any (x) Sequence (MIxS) standard from the Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC), the PROV standard for provenance metadata, the Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI) standards for metaproteomics, and the Metabolomics Standards Initiative (MSI) standards for metabolomics. The NMDC Submission Portal is an intuitive interface that allows researchers to provide information about their study, the metadata about the study’s biosamples, multi-omics data associated with the study, and whether Department of Energy (DOE) user facility proposals are associated with the data. Updates and new features are continually being implemented as user research provides new insights to improve usability, and as standards are updated and improved.

NMDC Field notes

The NMDC Field Notes app is designed to bring standard metadata capture into the field. This app is built following the same schema format as the Submission portal and also supports community standards. When using the NMDC Field Notes app, metadata can be captured for your samples while in the field using in-app tools and formatting. The NMDC Field Notes app can be used offline and provides a direct connection to the NMDC Submission Portal so your metadata is already there upon field work completion.

Collaboration to support Community Standards

The Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC) is an open-membership working body formed nearly twenty years ago with the aim of supporting community-driven standards for sequence data. The GSC has defined a set of core descriptors for genomes, metagenomes and the samples thereof, with the intention to capture relevant environmental and other contextual data (e.g., metadata) to be made available in the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) primary repositories. The Minimal Information about any (x) Sequence (MIxS) was developed in 2011, and forms the basis for environmental packages that include terms describing specific environments from which a sample was collected (e.g., soil or water). Together with the GSC, the NMDC team has rendered the MIxS standards in LinkML as part of the latest version release. The NMDC has added computability to portions of the MIxS standard and validation can be applied in the NMDC Submission Portal. Through the GSC’s Compliance and Interoperability Group (CIG), the NMDC supports improvements to metadata elements that were unclear or missing, and makes updates to terminology and curation through the insights from numerous workshops hosted through the NMDC Ambassador Program. Specific issues are tracked using the NMDC tag in the GSC GitHub repository (

As the NMDC continues to develop and gain user feedback, future iterations of the NMDC Submission Portal will provide templates for describing the ways in which samples are processed in preparation for analysis and improve ecosystem description. This will be accomplished by leveraging and collaborating with many existing standards and ontologies. Beyond the GSC’s standards, the NMDC leverages standards and controlled vocabularies developed by the Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI), the National Cancer Institute’s Proteomic Data Commons (, the IUPAC Gold Book, and the Metabolomics Standards Initiative (MSI) for mass spectrometry data types (e.g., ionization mode, mass resolution, scan rate, and so on). The NMDC team also collaborates heavily with the Environment Ontology (EnvO), which is a community-led ontology that represents environmental entities such as biomes, environmental features, and environmental materials. .

In addition to working across community standards groups, the NMDC also works closely with the Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD) hosted by the Department of Energy’s Joint Genome Institute (JGI). GOLD is an open-access repository of genome, metagenome, and metatranscriptome sequencing projects with their associated metadata. Samples are described using a five-level ecosystem classification path that goes from ecosystem down to the type of environmental material. The NMDC team supports this hierarchical classification system in the Submission Portal, along with enabling search capabilities in the Data Portal. Further, the NMDC and GOLD teams collaborate to curate, update, and make improvements to shared study and metadata information to support interoperability.

DataHarmonizer: A flexible template-driven tool

Developed by the Centre for Infectious Disease Genomics and One Health (CIDGOH) at Simon Fraser University, DataHarmonizer is a template-driven spreadsheet application for harmonizing, validating, and transforming sequence contextual data into submission-ready formats for public or private repositories. The tool’s web browser-based JavaScript environment enables real time validation of terms, enabling rapid quality checks within the interface directly. The NMDC has an ongoing open-source collaboration to leverage DataHarmonizer to support the NMDC Submission Portal.

User-Centered Design Process

The NMDC is a resource designed together with and for the scientific community. In 2022, the NMDC team conducted three rounds of user interviews (17 user interviews total) from three target groups: general microbiome researchers, potential data submitters, and metadata generators. The Submission Portal has been the subject of several rounds of user research and usability testing, and additional interviews and beta-testing rounds are scheduled to occur throughout the year. New features are continuously added and tested by the microbiome research community, and the NMDC team implements fixes, changes, and enhancements based on this community feedback. The NMDC team and the NMDC Ambassadors run several workshops throughout the year, and feedback from workshop participants is also incorporated into new Submission Portal improvements. The Submission Portal will continue to be shaped by our user-centered design approach.

Support for DOE User Facilities

The DOE User Facilities JGI and EMSL are key partners for the NMDC because they support the environmental research community. The NMDC team collaborates closely with the JGI and EMSL to support integration of multi-omics data generated across these Facilities, and particularly as part of the Facilities Integrating Collaborations for User Science (FICUS) Program. The Submission Portal has been designed upfront to be compliant with both JGI and EMSL sample submission requirements, ensuring study and biosample information is consistently collected to support interoperability and data reuse. To demonstrate feasibility, several FICUS user projects have been submitted using the Submission Portal with feedback that has informed improvements and new features. Through the Submission Portal, study and biosample metadata is validated against the NMDC schema, with ‘realtime’ checks on data integrity (accuracy, completeness, and consistency). Further developments will also support data embargo information in accordance with the JGI and EMSL Data Policies.

Product Access

All NMDC products are accessible from the “Products” tab on

NMDC Products require ORCiD authentication for full access and functionality.

Submission Portal Functionality

The Submission Portal requires ORCiD authentication to access. If you have already signed in via ORCID, you will not see this login screen in the NMDC Submission Portal.

Once signed in with an ORCiD, you will see an option to ‘Create New Submission’ with subsequent guidance to provide information required for submission to NMDC. Details about each section are outlined below. Submitters can return to existing submissions saved under the ORCiD account to resume their work at any point.

Submission Context

On the Submission Context screen, submitters are asked whether data has already been generated for their study. If a user selects ‘Yes’ a DOI associated with the data can be entered. For data generated at either JGI or EMSL (DOE user facilities), the specific Award DOI (e.g., 10.46936/10.25585/60001289) should be entered, along with selecting the checkbox for this option. If the data was not generated at a DOE User Facility, a valid data DOI can be entered. A data DOI is not the same as a publication DOI, and would be issued through a separate resource as a unique persistent identifier (e.g., 10.48443/e4zf-b917).

If a user selects ‘No’, a user will be asked whether samples will be submitted to JGI, EMSL, or both User Facilities. Selecting EMSL will further prompt the user to provide shipping information for EMSL, along with indicating what project type is associated with an active User proposal and the award DOI that is provided (e.g., CSP, BERSS, BRC, FICUS, MONet, or other).


The Study Information page requires a valid “Study Name” along with a valid email address. We highly recommend the use of standardized, informative study names as described by the GOLD team (Mukherjee et. al., 2023). Further information can be provided to include relevant links to web pages and a description of the study. The “Study Description” should provide a summary that includes the context of your study, research, goals, and design. We recommend this be similar to abstract format, describing the entire study similar to how an abstract describes a single publication. Studies should also include a funding source. The “Funding Source” of the research performed under this study should be provided and include an awarding program and the award or grant number. See an existing study for an example.
Last, a user can include “Contributors” to acknowledge members of a research team associated with the study.

This includes listing Contributor names, ORCiDs, associating role(s) based on the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy), and their submission access permission. A Contributor can have a single or multiple roles.
Permission roles are granted by ORCID provided and are as follows: Viewer, will have permission to view the entire submission, and cannot make any edits; Metadata Contributor, will have permission to view the entire submission, and can edit only the sample metadata section of the submission; Editor, will have full view and edit access to all parts of the submission, except contributors; none, no permissions or view granted. The Principal Investigator will be granted the same permissions as the submittion and can edit the entire submission.

Multi-omics Data

The Multi-omics Data page will prompt users to specify what data types have either already been generated or are anticipated to be generated, depending on the previously entered data. There are no limits to the number of data combinations that can be selected. If any data type attributed to JGI or EMSL (or both) are selected, a user will be required to input the respective proposal number for tracking purposes. Importantly, these selections will be used to support coordinated submission of biosample information with multiple data types. For example, if a user plans to generate paired metagenome and metaproteome data from aliquots of the same physical experimental sample, this information will be captured on the subsequent customized metadata template.

Environmental Extension

The Biosample metadata portion of the Submission Portal uses the GSC’s environmental extensions to define data entry screens that are suitable for samples from a particular environment. The available environmental extensions include: air, built environment, host-associated, hydrocarbon resources-core, hydrocarbon resources- fluids swab, microbial material biofilm, plant associated, sediment, soil, wastewater sludge, water, and miscellaneous natural or artificial environment. Incorporation of additional GSC extensions will be completed upon further user research. A submitter selects the environmental extensions that best fit the sample environments. The selected extension determines which metadata fields are required, recommended or optional for each sample type. Additionally, curated EnvO and GOLD ecosystem classification terms and other enumerations that can be selected by dropdown menus are available for some packages. Additional extension will be curated as user research is continued.

Sample Metadata

The Biosample Metadata interface consists of a grid in which each row represents one sample and each column represents one attribute of a Biosample. Users are provided with numerous convenience and organizational features (described below) to assist in metadata completion.

NMDC uses sections for clarity, and to identify when MIxS specifications have been used as published by the GSC, or when NMDC has modified the description, examples, or validation rules for a MIxS attribute captured in their respective columns. These modifications are based on user research and feedback provided to the NMDC.

Biosample metadata can be entered manually (by typing each row), or the data can be entered in bulk by importing a Microsoft Excel XLSX file. The metadata is updated in a NMDC database each time the user navigates across the submission template. Upon completion, the study submission and metadata will be reviewed by a member of NMDC and once approved the submitting user will indicate when data are ready to be published to the Data Portal.

Metadata Sections

Detailed biosample metadata input is captured using a curated metadata template. This page allows users to input biosample metadata into standardized fields based on the selected environmental template. The biosample metadata fields are split into 4 sections: Sample ID which consists of sample and environmental identification information; MIxS which are fields that are identical to those provided in MIxS templates, MIxS (modified) & Inspired which are similar to the MIxS fields, but have been altered in some way or were added based on user feedback. These updated and additional fields are meant to provide clearer context and expectations for the submitter to better capture information about their samples.

Download and Import

The NMDC Submission Portal allows users to enter sample metadata directly into the web interface. However, if a submitter prefers to work in other applications and programs, such as Microsoft Excel, the NMDC sample metadata template can be downloaded as a .xlsx file, opened via a separate application where users can add metadata, and imported back into the Submission Portal for completion and validation.

Tools and Features

Column Information

When column headers are double clicked, or when metadata validation is performed, a column help box will appear. This provides a description of the field, additional guidance, and examples of valid completion.


Users are encouraged to populate as many of the columns as possible, but not all are required or relevant to all sample types or research. To accommodate such needs, the BIosample Metadata interface distinguishes between required, recommended, and optional columns. Which columns appear on the screen can be controlled with the show/hide menu. This tool can be used to hide optional or optional + recommended columns, and the show sub-menu can be used to center a particular section on the user’s screen.

Real Time Validation

The real-time validation tool allows submitters to check their filled-in metadata and overall progress as they submit values to ensure the submission will be valid and adhere to the NMDC schema.

Find and Replace

When validating the metadata and information provided, the submission portal provides a “Find and Replace” tool. This allows bulk updates to invalide metadata.

Color Legend

All fields in the metadata template innately fall into one of three color categories: Grey, Yellow, or Purple. Grey, or no highlighted color, indicates optional fields. Required columns are denoted with yellow. These yellow columns must be correctly completed or the submission will not validate. Recommended fields, highlighted purple, are required where applicable. If any of the purple columns provide information relevant to the study, they should be completed. For example, if samples are from a moisture manipulation study, the column ‘watering regimen’ should be filled in to provide context and information about the samples.

After selecting the validate button, cells will become color coded to indicate invalid and incomplete metadata. Dark pink cells indicate a required cell has been left empty. Light pink indicates that there is an error in the formatting of the information entered into that cell. The “Column Information” tool, described above, provides expected structure patterns and examples of valid metadata, which you can refer to when addressing validation errors.

Field Notes Functionality

The NMDC Field Notes app is for mobile device use. It runs on both Apple (iOS) and Android devices. It’s currently available for beta testing. See here to sign up!

This app is designed to streamline real-time registration and collection of standardized metadata and field measurements.

Upon first use, each section of the app will automatically launch a quick tour. You can press the “→” button to continue the tour or press the “X” button to end it. To re-initialize the tours at any time, visit the Settings page and tap “Reset tours”.

The “Guide” section of the app contains recommendations about fieldwork in general, and about collecting metadata for specific sample type(s). We recommend viewing it before going out into the field.

The NMDC Field Notes app requires ORCiD authentication to access it.

Submissions via Field Notes are available in the Submission Portal as an automatic backup when connected to wifi. The app is available for offline use, but requires internet connection to start a submission.

(Step 1 of 3) Welcome to the NMDC Field Notes mobile app!

Once signed in with an ORCiD, you will have the ability to access existing studies or create a study using the ‘New’ button. Details about each section are outlined below. Users can also return to existing submissions saved under the ORCiD account to resume their work at any point.

New Study

The Study Information page requires a valid ‘Study Name’ and a valid email address. All other fields are optional and can be completed in the app or in the Submission Portal. Study names and all other information can be updated or added via the app or Submission Portal. See header Study for more details about Study information.

Also in the New Study you will select the “Environment Template” that best fits your samples. The templates available correspond to the GSC Environmental Extensions. More information is available above. Multiple environments can be selected and submitted in one submission.

Select “Save” once study information has been completed.

Select Fields

The Field Notes App allows the submitter to select the metadata fields that will be visible and available on the app and when working in the field.

Available terms can be selected and de-selected individually or in bulk based on the section they’re assigned to. The available sections are: “Common”, terms commonly measured at the time of sample collection; “Occasional”, terms that may sometimes be measured at the time of sample collection; “Uncommon”, terms that are rarely measured at the time of sample collection. This allows the submitter to tailor their metadata interface to be more focused for field collection.

If you are completing metadata for multiple sample types in multiple templates you will need to select your fields for each individual template. We recommend completing all “New Study” steps prior to and in preparation of field work.


In Field Notes, the sample metadata interface consists of a form like structure where metadata is entered individually, unlike the grid format of the Submission Portal.

Fields marked with a ⚠️ symbol indicate a validation issue. For example, a required value is missing or a value is not in the expected format. These do not prevent your updates from being saved. The issues only need to be resolved before the final submission to NMDC for review. Once a sample has been started, you can return to the Study page via the ← button in the upper left. Your new sample will now appear at the bottom of your screen.

Additional information about sample metadata can be found above in Sample Metadata.

Tools and Features

Sorting Samples

When samples are added to a study, they are listed at the bottom of the submission. Each sample can be revisited or viewed by selecting the desired sample. Additionally, samples can be filtered based on the sample type / template or you can search for a specific sample.

Term Information

Similar to column information for the Submission Portal, when you select a term to complete metadata, term help will be included below the input field. This provides a description of the term, additional guidance, and examples of valid completion.

Location Provided Metadata

Field Notes can use your mobile device information and location to populate some metadata fields. For example, selecting “Set to today” for the term “collection date” will auto populate with the current date. Additionally, mobile GPS coordinates can be used to populate “latitude and longitude” field by selecting “Use GPS location”. This along with other auto-populating fields ensure accurate and structured metadata in real time and minimizes human error.

Real Time Validation

Real time validation available in Field Notes is similar to that in the Submission Portal header. No color coding, but the ⚠️ will disappear when metadata is valid, and a note below the input box will provide if a required field is missing or if a field is misformatted.