The NMDC Data Portal User Guide


The NMDC Data Portal ( provides a resource for consistently processed multi-omics data that is integrated to enable search, access, analysis, and download. Open-source bioinformatics workflows are used to process raw multi-omics data and produce interoperable and reusable annotated data from metagenome, metatranscriptome, metaproteome, metabolome, and natural organic matter characterizations. The NMDC Data Portal offers several search and navigation components, and data can be downloaded through the graphical user interface using an ORCiD authentication, with associated download metrics, or retrieved through available RESTful APIs. All multi-omics data are available under a Creative Commons 4.0 license, which enables public use with attribution, as outlined in the NMDC Data Use Policy ( The first iteration of the NMDC Data Portal was released in March 2021 and continues to expand its data hosting and functionality on an ongoing basis.

There is a short video tutorial showing how to navigate the portal on YouTube (

User-Centered Design Process

The NMDC is a resource designed together with and for the scientific community. We have engaged in extensive user research through interviews and direct collaboration with the scientific community that have informed the design, development, and display of data through the NMDC Data Portal. This methodology (1) enables the scientific community to provide feedback, iterative and continuous improvement of our systems, and ensures that our systems enable a high level of scientific productivity. Feedback collected from the scientific community during user research can be linked to the features and design directions found in the current release. Our community-centered design approach ensures that the NMDC can evolve with the needs of the microbiome research community, but will also be important for uncovering creative design solutions, clarifying expectations, reducing redesign, and perhaps most importantly, enabling shared ownership (2) of the NMDC. We hope that this inclusive approach will enable us to expand our engagements with the microbiome research community and the utility of the NMDC Data Portal.

Available Studies & Data

Data hostings include studies, biosamples, and multi-omics data from a breadth of environmental microbiomes, spanning river sediments, subsurface shale carbon reservoirs, plant-microbe associations, and temperate and tropical soils.


The NMDC team works closely with several standards groups and organizations. We have adopted the Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC) Minimum Information about any (x) Sequence (MIxS) templates (3). This provides a standard data dictionary of sample descriptors (e.g., location, biome, altitude, depth) organized into seventeen environmental packages ( for sequence data. The NMDC team has mapped fields used to describe samples in the GOLD database to MIxS version 6.1 elements. In addition, we are adopting the MIxS standards for sequence data types (e.g., sequencing method, pcr primers and conditions, etc.), and are leveraging standards and controlled vocabularies developed by the Proteomics Standards Initiative (4), the National Cancer Institute’s Proteomic Data Commons (, and the Metabolomics Standards Initiative (5) for mass spectrometry data types (e.g., ionization mode, mass resolution, scan rate, etc.).

MIxS environmental packages

The GSC has developed standards for describing genomic and metagenomic sequences, and the environment from which a biological sample originates. These “Minimum Information about any (x) Sequence” (MIxS) packages provides standardized sample descriptors (e.g., location, environment, elevation, altitude, depth, etc.) for 17 different sample environments.

Environment Ontology (EnvO)

EnvO (6) is a community-led ontology that represents environmental entities such as biomes, environmental features, and environmental materials. These EnvO entities are the recommended values for several of the mandatory terms in the MIxS packages, often referred to as the “MIxS triad”. Where appropriate, we also support terms from the Plant Ontology (PO) (7) and Uberon (8), an anotomical ontology.

Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD)

GOLD (9) is an open-access repository of genome, metagenome, and metatranscriptome sequencing projects with their associated metadata. Biosamples (defined as the physical material collected from an environment) are described using a five-level ecosystem classification path that goes from ecosystem down to the type of environmental material that describes the sample.

Data Types

A suite of data can be generated from available biosamples, and the value of associating these data through a common sample source enables researchers to probe function. The NMDC data schema offers an approach to link data to their source biosample (for example, multiple organic matter characterizations can be generated from a single sample through extraction with various solvents; e.g., chloroform, methanol, and water fractionation). For details on workflow processing, refer to our workflow documentation.

Portal Functionality

Faceted search and access

Search by investigator name

NMDC-linked data can be filtered by the associated principal investigator by selecting ‘PI Name’ from the left query term bar. This selection will display studies and samples associated with that PI, and selecting the arrow on the right side of the study name will open up more information about that study and that principal investigator.

Search by data generation information

Samples can be queried by various data generation terms including instrument name, data type (processing runs sorted by data type can also be queried using the bar plot on the main portal page), and processing institution.

Search by function

Under ‘Function’ on the query term bar users are able to search by Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) (10) , the protein families database (Pfam) (11) , Clusters of Orthologous Genes (COG) (12) and Gene Ontology (GO) (13) terms to limit the query to samples with datasets that include at least one of the listed terms. For KEGG we support search by orthologies, modules or pathways. For Pfam we support entries and clans. For COG we support terms, categories and pathways. Search by GO terms is supported via mappings to Pfam and KEGG terms. Users may list multiple terms, but it is important to note that adding multiple terms will limit the search to datasets that include at least one of those identifiers, not all of the added terms.

Search by environmental descriptors

The query term bar also includes several environmental descriptor filtering fields of where the samples were isolated from. Users can filter by sample isolation depth, collection date, latitude and longitude (can also filter by latitude and longitude using the interactive map on the omics main page), as well as geographic location name.

Search by ecosystem classifications

Samples can also be queried by ecosystem classifications using GOLD and/or MIxS Environmental Triad terms. Selecting GOLD classification in the query term bar opens up a hierarchy that can be navigated through to select ecosystem classification(s) of interest. Users can select everything under a certain classification at any point, or can continue navigating to more specific classifications. The Sankey diagram on the ‘Environment’ page provides an interactive visualization of the GOLD classification system.

Similarly, ENVO, PO and Uberon terms are classification systems that can be used to describe environments where samples were collected from which can be used to query the portal.
Users can search by broad-scale environmental context, local environmental context, and envioronmental medium. These terms are required by NMDC because they are required by the GSC.

Interactive visualizations

Data Type


The barplot on the omics page displays the number of omics processing runs (not number of samples) for each data type available: organic matter, metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic. Selecting the bar of a data type will limit the search to just that data type.

Geographic map

The geographic map allows for samples to be queried by the geographic location from which they were isolated. The map displays the geographical location (latitude, longitude) of the sample collection sites as clusters with colors corresponding to the number of samples from that area. The map can be zoomed in and out of, and clusters can be selected to focus on that specific area. After zooming and moving around the map to a region of interest, selecting the ‘Search this region’ button will limit the search to the current map bounds.

Temporal slider

Samples can also be queried by a sample collection date range by clicking and holding to select a date range. Sample collection dates are grouped by month. The selected date range will be highlighted in gray.

Upset plot

The upset plot on the omics page displays the number of samples that have various combinations of associated data. The axis at the top of the plot refers to the different omics types (MG: metagenomic, MT: metatranscriptomic, MP: metaproteomic, MB: metabolomic, NOM: natural organic matter) and the dots and lines in the graph below represent the combinations of the data types. The numbers and bars on the right side represent the number of samples searchable in the NMDC data portal with each corresponding combination of omics data types. Clicking either on the bar portion or the number beside it will apply a filter.

Environment Page

Sankey diagram

On the environment page, the Sankey diagram displays the environments that NMDC-linked samples were isolated from. This visualization is based on the GOLD ecosystem classification path, and the diagram is fully interactive, so environments of interest can be chosen at descending levels of specificity. This will then limit your search to samples that came from that selected environment.


Individual file

Various output data files are available from samples findable through the NMDC that have been run through the NMDC standardized workflows. Output files from each data type are sorted by the specific workflow (e.g. Metagenome Assembly, Annotation) that was run and are each available for download when the sample of interest is selected. Users must log in with an ORCID account before downloading data.

Bulk download

In addition to the ability to download single output files from samples run through the NMDC standardized workflows, the NMDC portal allows users to perform bulk downloads on workflow output files. Once samples of interest are down-selected through query terms, output files from each NMDC standardized workflow run on those samples are available as bulk downloads. Users must be logged in with an ORCID account before downloading data.


  1. Abras C, Maloney-Krichmar, D., Preece, J. 2004. User-Centered Design. In Bainbridge W (ed), Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.

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  3. Yilmaz P, Kottmann R, Field D, Knight R, Cole JR, Amaral-Zettler L, Gilbert JA, Karsch-Mizrachi I, Johnston A, Cochrane G, Vaughan R, Hunter C, Park J, Morrison N, Rocca-Serra P, Sterk P, Arumugam M, Bailey M, Baumgartner L, Birren BW, Blaser MJ, Bonazzi V, Booth T, Bork P, Bushman FD, Buttigieg PL, Chain PSG, Charlson E, Costello EK, Huot-Creasy H, Dawyndt P, DeSantis T, Fierer N, Fuhrman JA, Gallery RE, Gevers D, Gibbs RA, Gil IS, Gonzalez A, Gordon JI, Guralnick R, Hankeln W, Highlander S, Hugenholtz P, Jansson J, Kau AL, Kelley ST, Kennedy J, Knights D, Koren O, et al. 2011. Minimum information about a marker gene sequence (MIMARKS) and minimum information about any (x) sequence (MIxS) specifications. Nature Biotechnol. 29:415-420.

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