Using the NMDC API Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Dependency versions: nmdc-runtime=1.2.0

Retrieving Metadata using the Find and Metadata API Endpoints

Metadata describing NMDC data (e.g. studies, biosamples, data objects, etc.) may be retrieved with GET requests, using the NMDC API Graphical User Interface (GUI). The API GUI provides a guided user interface for direct access to the NMDC data portal. It allows for:

  1. performing highly granular and targeted queries directly. This is especially helpful if a user has a query that may not be supported by the NMDC Data Portal yet.

  2. interactive exploration of querying capabilities. It provides code snippets that can be used in scripts for programmatic access, i.e. the request curl commands and URLs provided in the responses (please see the examples below).

Please note that the endpoints discussed in this documentation are targeted for users, such as NMDC data consumers. For documentation describing other endpoints, primarily used by developers, please see nmdc-runtime-docs.

Requests can include various parameters to filter, sort, and organize the requested information. Attribute names in the parameters will vary depending on the collection. The required syntax of the parameters will also vary, depending on if it is a find or a metadata endpoint. Find endpoints are designed to use more compact syntax (for example, filtering biosamples for an “Ecosystem Category” of “Plants” would look like ecosystem_category:Plants using the GET /biosamples endpoint). While metadata endpoints use MongoDB-like language querying (e.g. the same filter would look like {"ecosystem_category": "Plants"} using the GET /nmdcshema/{collection_name} endpoint with collection_name set to biosample_set).

Find Endpoints

The find endpoints are provided with NMDC metadata entities already specified - where metadata about studies, biosamples, data objects, and activities can be retrieved using GET requests.

The applicable parameters of the find endpoints, with acceptable syntax and examples, are in the table below.

Parameter Description Syntax Example
filter Allows conditions to be set as part of the query, returning only results that satisfy the conditions Comma separated string of attribute:value pairs. Can include comparison operators like >=, <=, <, and >. May use a .search after the attribute name to conduct a full text search of the field that are of type string. e.g. attribute:value, ecosystem_category:Plants, lat_lon.latitude:>35.0
search Not yet implemented Coming Soon Not yet implemented
sort Specifies the order in which the query returns the matching documents Comma separated string of attribute:value pairs, where the value can be empty, asc, or desc (for ascending or descending order) e.g. attribute or attribute:asc or attribute:desc depth.has_numeric_value:desc, ecosystem_type
page Specifies the desired page number among the paginated results Integer 3
per_page Specifies the number of results returned per page. Maximum allowed is 2,000 Integer 50
cursor A bookmark for where a query can pick up where it has left off. To use cursor paging, set the cursor parameter to *. The results will include a next_cursor value in the response's meta object that can be used in the cursor parameter to retrieve the subsequent results next_cursor String * or nmdc:sys0zr0fbt71
group_by Not yet implemented Coming Soon Not yet implemented
fields Indicates the desired attributes to be included in the response. Helpful for trimming down the returned results Comma-separated list of attributes that belong to the documents in the collection being queried name, ess_dive_datasets
study_id The unique identifier of a study Curie e.g. prefix:identifier nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150
sample_id The unique identifier of a biosample Curie e.g. prefix:identifier nmdc:bsm-11-w43vsm21
data_object_id The unique identifier of a data object Curie e.g. prefix:identifier nmdc:dobj-11-7c6np651
activity_id The unique identifier for an NMDC workflow execution activity Curie e.g. prefix:identifier nmdc:wfmgan-11-hvcnga50.1

Each endpoint is unique and requires the applicable attribute names to be known in order to structure a query in a meaningful way. Please note that endpoints with parameters that do not have a red * required label next to them, are optional.

find get studies The GET /studies endpoint is a general purpose way to retrieve NMDC studies based on parameters provided by the user. Studies can be filtered and sorted based on the applicable Study attributes.

find get studies by study_id If the study identifier is known, a study can be retrieved directly using the GET /studies/{study_id} endpoint. Note that only one study can be retrieved at a time using this method.

find get biosamples The GET /biosamples endpoint is a general purpose way to retrieve biosample metadata using user-provided filter and sort criteria. Please see the applicable Biosample attributes.

find get biosamples by sample_id If the biosample identifier is known, a biosample can be retrieved directly using the GET /biosamples/{sample_id}. Note that only one biosample metadata record can be retrieved at a time using this method.

find get data objects To retrieve metadata about NMDC data objects (such as files, records, or omics data) the GET /data_objects endpoint may be used along with various parameters. Please see the applicable Data Object attributes.

find get data objects by data object_id If the data object identifier is known, the metadata can be retrieved using the GET /data_objects/{data_object_id} endpoint. Note that only one data object metadata record may be retrieved at a time using this method.

find get activities The GET /activities endpoint is a general way to fetch metadata about various activities (e.g. metagenome assembly, natural organic matter analysis, library preparation, etc.). Any “slot” (a.k.a. attribute) for WorkflowExecutionActivity or PlannedProcess classes may be used in the filter and sort parameters, including attributes of subclasses of WorkflowExecutionActivity and PlannedProcess. For example, attributes used in subclasses such as, MetabolomicsAnalysisActivity (subclass of WorkflowExecutionActivity) or (Extraction)[] (subclass of PlannedProcess), can be used as input criteria for the filter and sort parameters of this endpoint.

find get activities by activity id If the activity identifier is known, the activity metadata can be retrieved using the GET /activities/activity_id endpoint. Note that only one metadata record for an activity may be returned at a time using this method.

For more information and to see more examples of find endpoints outside of the autogenerated user interface, please visit:

Metadata Endpoints

The metadata endpoints can be used to get and filter metadata from collection set types (including studies, biosamples, activities, and data objects as discussed in the find section).

Unlike the compact syntax used in the find endpoints, the syntax for the filter parameter of the metadata endpoints uses MongoDB-like language querying. The applicable parameters of the metadata endpoints, with acceptable syntax and examples, are in the table below.

Parameter Description Syntax Example
collection_name The name of the collection to be queried. For a list of collection names please see the Database class of the NMDC Schema String biosample_set
filter Allows conditions to be set as part of the query, returning only results that satisfy the conditions MongoDB-like query language. All strings should be in double quotation marks. {"lat_lon.latitude": {"$gt": 45.0}, "ecosystem_category": "Plants"}
max_page_size Specifies the maximum number of documents returned at a time Integer 25
page_token Specifies the token of the page to return. If unspecified, the first page is returned. To retrieve a subsequent page, the value received as the next_page_token from the bottom of the previous results can be provided as a page_token. next_page_token String nmdc:sys0ae1sh583
projection Indicates the desired attributes to be included in the response. Helpful for trimming down the returned results Comma-separated list of attributes that belong to the documents in the collection being queried name, ecosystem_type
doc_id The unique identifier of the item being requested. For example, the identifier of a biosample or an extraction Curie e.g. prefix:identifier nmdc:bsm-11-ha3vfb58

The metadata endpoints allow users to retrieve metadata from the data portal using the various GET endpoints that are slightly different than the find endpoints, but some can be used similarly. As with the find endpoints, parameters for the metadata endpoints that do not have a red * required next to them are optional.

metadata get nmdcshema version To view the NMDC Schema version the database is currently using, try executing the GET /nmdcschema/version endpoint

metadata get collection stats To get the NMDC Database collection statistics, like the total count of records in a collection or the size of the collection, try executing the GET /nmdcschema/collection_stats endpoint

metadata get collection name The GET /nmdcschema/{collection_name} endpoint is a general purpose way to retrieve metadata about a specified collection given user-provided filter and projection criteria. Please see the Collection Names that may be retrieved. Please note that metadata may only be retrieved about one collection at a time.

metadata get doc_id If the identifier of the record is known, the GET /nmdcshema/ids/{doc_id} can be used to retrieve the specified record. Note that only one identifier may be used at a time, and therefore, only one record may be retrieved at a time using this method.

metadata get collection_name doc_id If both the identifier and the collection name of the desired record is known, the GET /nmdcschema/{collection_name}/{doc_id} can be used to retrieve the record. The projection parameter is optionally available for this endpoint to retrieve only desired attributes from a record. Please note that only one record can be retrieved at one time using this method.

Metadata Endpoints Example 1: Get all of the biosamples that are part of the 1000 Soils Research Campaign Study sampled from Colorado

  1. Click on the drop down arrow to the right side of the GET /nmdcschema/{collection_name} endpoint metadata example step1

  2. Click Try it out in the upper right of the expanded endpoint box metadata example step2

  3. In order to enter in the parameters, get the identifier for this study by navigating to the 1000 Soils Research Campaign study page in the data portal and copying the ID metadata example step3

  4. Enter in the parameters in the GET /nmdcschema/{collection_name} endpoint. For this example, we will input biosample_set into the collection_name parameter and {"part_of": "nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36", "geo_loc_name.has_raw_value": {"$regex": "Colorado"}} into the filter parameter. See the Biosample Class in the NMDC Schema to view the applicable biosample attributes (slots); for this example, they are part_of and geo_loc_name.has_raw_value. Note that $regex conducts a full text search for the word “Colorado” in the geo_loc_name.has_raw_value attribute.

  5. Click Execute metadata example step4

  6. View the results in JSON format, available to download by clicking Download; or copy the results by clicking the clipboard icon in the bottom right corner of the response. In this case, two studies were retrieved. Note that the curl and request URL are provided as well. metadata example step6